New Directions: Ecological Imaginations, Soundscapes, and Italian Opera
Aaron S. Allen
pages 273-285
Re. Note 2.
As with many nineteenth-century periodicals, exact origins are difficult to trace: from indications on a masthead in the 1880s, LSI may have been published previously as Corriere di Firenze as early as the 1840s; the Centro Internazionale di Ricerca sui Periodici Musicali (CIRPeM) lists a title from 1855. According to an entry on the Italian national library catalog, SBN (Servizio Bibliotecaro Nazionale), specifically codice del documento IT\ICCU\CFI\0333401, LSI was not published from 1944 to 1947. The contemporary website (, last accessed December 18, 2014) contains an archive of some past editions (unfortunately, none of the archived editions is from the nineteenth century, although the site does provide some cover art from the 1890s). A web there page titled (incorrectly) “150 anni della rivista” (“150 years of the magazine”) chronicles the 135 (sic) years of publication celebrated in 2000 (; one interesting point the editor makes in that anniversary article is that in 1890, only 14% of the Italian population was literate. Regarding the context of Italian periodicals, see especially pages 22-30 in Aaron S. Allen, “Beethoven’s Music in Nineteenth-Century Italy: A Critical Review of Its Reception Through the Early 1860s” (Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 2006).
Re. Note 7.
Remarkably, recent science has engaged in experiments to plumb the evolution of human language via the very real sounds and ultrasounds of mice; see the following two (of many) articles:
Rob Dunn, “The Mystery of the Singing Mice,” Smithsonian Magazine, May 2011, .
L’Agence France-Presse, “‘Singing Mouse’ Made With Genetic Modification,” Discovery News, December 21, 2010, .
See also the lab and work of Dr. Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell,, an ecologist specializing in research on acoustic communication of wild deer mice.
Re. Note 8.
The subtitle for LSI in 1901 was “Rivista quindicinale: letteratura arte e sport”; in 1911, it was “Rivista quindicinale d’arte e letteratura”; in 1963, it was “Politica-Turismo-Arte-Cultura-Attualità”; and in 2002, it was “Mensile di opinione, politica di costume, attualità, cultura, economia, turismo, arte, moda.” (All subtitles taken from entries in the SBN catalogue.) For other periodicals and their subtitles, see Allen (2006), pages 476-478.
Re. Note 9
Selected examples are:
Anonymous. 1823. “Idea della musica dedotta dalle opere della natura.” La polinnia europea, tomo I, parte 2: 14 ff.
Bigliani, V. 1847. “La musica e la storia naturale.” Gazzetta musicale di Milano 6 (22): 169-71, and following issues.
F. 1867. “Relazioni fra i suoni naturali e la musica.” Don Marzio: giornale letterario, artistico, teatrale 10 (20): 2, and 10 (22): 1-2.