VOLUME 4 (2016)
Reconnecting the Music-Making Experience: Supporting Small-Scale Local Craftsmanship in the Academic Percussion Community, by Alex Smith
Music and Coal Activism: Perspectives from the Field, by Travis D. Stimeling, Saro Lynch-Thomason, Nate May, and Andrew Munn
Ecomusicology and Listening Beyond Categorical Limits
An Introduction
by Tyler Kinnear
The Naturalization of Built Environments: Two Case Studies
by Alexandra Hui
Sibelius Beyond Categorical Limits
by Daniel Grimley
There’s No Place
by James Currie
Music and Ecology International Multidisciplinary Symposium 2015: A Summary, by Andreja Vrekalić
News & Notices
Music, Nature and Environmental Crises: A Northern Perspective on Ecocritical Trends in Contemporary Music, by Juha Torvinen
Experiencing Environmental Crises Through Music, by Sini Mononen